
Survey indicates support for bill on new rights for workers
A survey asking the general public what it thinks about a bill that would expand the rights of workers has found…

Stress: The Small Business Owner’s Silent Partner!
Welcome to Stress Awareness Month! If you’re a small business owner, you know that stress is more than just an occasional nuisance—it’s…

You want to outsource your HR but not sure where to start?
As an SME you’re probably looking after a number of spinning plates and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Outsourcing your HR can…

5 Ways to Prepare Before Choosing a New System for Your Business
A guide on how to efficiently prepare before choosing a new system for your business, and how this can help you avoid…

The Data Dilemma
How accurate, real-time data could make all the difference to your HR department, and to your organisation as a whole. You may…

Managing Absence in the Workplace – 5 Top Tips for Managers
Most employers will expect their staff to miss a certain number of days from work. Whether its sickness related, family or emergency…

Conquer your fear of public speaking with a positive mindset
Most people at some point in their working and personal life will engage in public speaking. Whether you are presenting to clients,…

Global Forgiveness Day
Saturday 7th July was not just an exciting day for English football it was also Global Forgiveness Day – a day to…

Can hypnotherapy help with anxiety stress or depression?
A recent article in the Metro quoted a survey by PwC suggesting a third of British employees across junior and senior roles…

Do you suffer with imposter syndrome?
Do you feel like an imposter in your job? Well you are not alone as research suggests that 70% of us will…