About Us

About Us

At FiveRivers HR, we empower creative and forward-thinking companies and institutions to achieve sustainable organisational success through HR.

Businesses at the cutting edge of any industry should strive to create an organisational environment that promotes a high-performing workforce and a culture of innovation of inclusion.

Achieving this isn’t always easy. There are often complex obstacles that make delivering meaningful long-term HR outcomes particularly challenging, but this is where our expert support can come in.

Supporting HR decision makers to lead transformative change

We are a HR consultancy dedicated to aiding HR Directors to establish the foundations for lasting HR success.

Our innovative approach to HR aims to build a shared vision, align behaviours and foster the motivation needed for impactful change, combining business psychology with people, process, technology and performance frameworks.

We understand that change is completely natural and a constant factor of working within a fast-paced industry and environment. Our approach to HR puts people at the heart of change, creating open, honest conversations so your staff can accept, adapt to, and embrace change with confidence.

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Good or bad, culture shapes how work gets done. From helping to transform toxic work environments to accelerating high-performing and ambitious working cultures, we support organisations to harness behaviours and mindsets that drive genuine progress.

Harnessing positive culture change

Are you ready to transform the way your business does HR?

We’re ready to help your organisation create meaningful and sustainable HR change.
Talk to us today about a feasibility study or submit an RFP to get started.