Change Management

How To Write a Killer Business Case

Now is the time for HR transformation. Here’s how to get your stakeholders on side.

When you’re considering a top-to-toe transformation revolution in your HR department – securing improvements and efficiencies across process, technology and data –  you’ll need everyone – the Board and other decision makers – on side to agree to your investment.

What you  need is a business case, setting out your vision for change supported by an authentic cost-benefit analysis. This will be a high-level examination of your organisation, crammed with actual facts and figures, drawn from real-life scenarios happening in in your department right now – and what could be happening.

But what if you don’t have the experience, or you don’t quite know where to start?

Step forward, your Business Case.

You know that reporting and data is vital to every business, and that without data being effectively extracted and used, you have little idea of what your people are costing you.

You’re as keen as mustard to know what’s going on. So, your Business Case will be a fully documented review that fights your corner – in the nicest way possible, of course.

With our expertise in creating a Business Case for our clients, we know what you need, so this blog suggests the important aspects which we feel should be on your radar.

Your case for change. Think about your vision. You’ll need to reflect on where your organisation is now, and where you want it to be, and the time scales involved. And, why now? Your impetus for change will be vital.

Your scope. There may be a geographical, functional and operational scope of your planned changes. What are they?

You may for example, run your HR department from a central location. Perhaps site-wide mini-hubs could better support your operation.

Your stakeholders. Whom do you need to engage in this process? And who is likely to be most affected? Also, it’s useful to consider a wish-list of transformation change “champions” and supporters, as they could be key drivers to a successful outcome.

Objections and Blockages. On the reverse of the coin, there may be obstacles ahead. You’ll need to recognise what these could be. A thinking-things-through exercise.

For example, a downsizing may be on the cards, and re-skilling and upskilling may be required.  What training is required? What are the resources needed here – and how much will it cost?

Your processes. To a greater or lesser extent, you’re considering a change in your processes because they’re manual, inefficient or just broken. Therefore you must understand exactly what needs changing.

Workshops and one-to-one sessions with HR, your leadership team, other managers and employees will shine a light into the inner workings of your organisation. Will it be comfortable? No. Does it take just a day or two? Again, no – sorry.  However, it’s impossible to effect change until you know what’s not working.

Also, how your departmental systems and technology are – or most likely – AREN’T as efficient and useful as they should be.

Operational review. A step-by-step, concrete, real-world analysis of every step of your HR processes,

For example, your recruitment. We’ll look at the entire process from when you attract a candidate, through the recruitment process, job offer stage, and then through to onboarding.

Your absence management: the same. What happens, and when? Who does what. What data is available? And then, what happens…and so forth.

In short, we’re building a library of facts within your HR department – what happens

Literally how you do everything, whom it touches and, moreover, its associated pain points. We’ll examine all manual interventions, spreadsheets, duplicate entries, paper-based tasks – the full process, from start to finish.

Without a doubt, everyone will “touch” specific points in the process. But here, you’ll have the chance to demonstrate what your function goes through in order to achieve specific processes and procedures now and HOW things could change for the better – driving a transformation across HR

Data. Data is almost everything. Why? Because used and analysed effectively, as a result of the right infrastructure and adoption, precise, real-time data can help you make better decisions. MUCH better.

You’ll see that your Business Case will focus on data; at FiveRivers Consulting, empowering best-in-class data by taking on board the right technology for your HR department could be like letting the sunshine in. We’re serious, it really could.

Outsourcing. You may, or may not be doing this currently. Outsourcing could deliver higher quality services, therefore leading to overall cost reductions.

Return on Investment. This is where we talk money. A powerful Business Case, not unlike a general Business Plan, gets down and dirty with pound signs and returns. In this case, your ROI.

Here, we’re examining your costs in year one, two, three, four, five. And when, based on experience, the investment is realised through efficiency gains and streamlining resulting in your vision for HR becoming a reality.

Metrics. Measuring and monitoring success, in other words. What does your end goal look like? Knowing HOW you will know that you’ve “arrived” is essential. Why? Because there could be numerous measurement criteria – and these need to be established. Equally, everyone in your organisation works hard, and we want you to see, and to notice positive results!


Our View

A powerful Business Case could change your life. OK, a slight exaggeration but not much. Before you do anything, you’ll need to know WHY now and WHERE are we headed followed by a comprehensive mapping exercise.

To engage people, you’ll need a series of compelling arguments, backed up by facts and figures. Change management will be key here, too, as well as engagement with your stakeholders.

But all will be well. In the meantime, here it is: welcome to YOUR Business Case.